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Virtual Tour > Intro > What Causes an EQ > How we locate EQ's > Equipment > Volcanoes > The End!

Monitoring and Other Volcanoes

We are constantly monitering the active volcanoes in the Cascade Mountain range. If there is ever any activity out of the norm, then we make sure we pay close attention to it. And if there ever is danger from an iminant eruption, we would know well in advance and would be able to warn people so that they could get to safety.

To learn more about Mt. Saint Helens, Mt. Rainier, or the other volcanoes in the Cascade mountain range, please visit our Volcanoes page or the USGS Cascades Volcano Obsevatory page. Both are filled with information, pictures, and current news about the Cascade volcanoes.


The virtual tour was created by PNSN student helpers T.J. Becerra, J.P. Luthe, and Derek Folger with contributions from PNSN Staff members Tony Qamar, Bill Steele, George Thomas, Amy Wright and Ruth Ludwin

This is file /SEIS/PNSN/OUTED/VIRTTOURS/othervolcanoes.html, last modified 07/02/04