The Pacific Northwest Seismic Network
All about earthquakes and geologic hazards of the Pacific Northwest        

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Virtual Tour > Intro > What Causes an EQ > How we locate EQ's > Equipment > Volcanoes > The End!

Introduction to the Tour

The University of Washington is home to the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network. The PNSN gathers data about Pacific Northwest earthquakes from over 200 seismograph stations located throughout Washington and Oregon and presents the information to the public in order to educate about earthquake awareness and preparation.

The PNSN operates closely with Emergency Management Centers and other 24-hour operation centers in order to provide up to the minute information on seismic activity to the public. We also provide immediate information to the press, and to the public via our website, on seismic events that may have been felt.

In addition to earthquake monitering, the PNSN works with the Cascades Volcanic Observatory in monitoring volcanoes in the Cascade Mountain chain. Seismometers are located on and around these volcanoes and constantly monitor the volcano for any change from the dormant state. Seismometers located on Mt. St. Helens in 1980 assisted seismologists in warning the public of an upcoming eruption.

The PNSN is also home to staff and students working on a variety of research projects in hopes of better understanding earthquakes and geologic hazards. Education, research, and service are the three primary functions of the PNSN.

The virtual tour was created by PNSN student helpers T.J. Becerra, J.P. Luthe, and Derek Folger with contributions from PNSN Staff members Tony Qamar, Bill Steele, George Thomas, Amy Wright and Ruth Ludwin

This is file /SEIS/PNSN/OUTED/VIRTTOURS/intro.html, last modified 07/02/04