Individual Event Report
Event #480 - Summary, and parameter estimates with source IDs |
This earthquake is well supported by both catalog and newspaper evidence, although a few catalogs have cited the time of the aftershock as the mainshock time. The highest intensity reliably reported in Washington was RF V, at Marblemount. The BSSA reports: "...An earthquake was felt over nearly all of British Columbia lasting in some places twenty seconds or more. It was reported from Vancouver, Yale, Harrison, Penticton, and Summerland. It was also observed at Seattle, Wash. and at Bellingham where doors and windows rattled and sleepers awakened. No damage was done." The magnitude and felt area cited here are from the dissertation of Garry Rogers. |
YR |
MO |
HR |
Time Type |
LAT(N) |
LON(W) |
DEP (km) |
Mag Type |
Felt Plc. |
Felt St. |
Inten- sity |
Int. Type |
Felt Area |
Felt Area Int. |
Felt Area Units |
1915 |
8 |
18 |
6 |
5 |
A |
L |
48.50 |
121.40 |
5.60 |
MI |
Marblemount |
WA |
V |
RF |
77000.00 |
km2 |
MILNE - 1442 |
RAS - 131 |
- |
GCR - 2330 |
MWR - 2223 |
GCR - 2330 |
Underlying Source Material
Source ID |
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2175 |
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America |
1915 |
V. 5, p. 157 |
Transcription: British Columbia, August 18, 1915.- At 6:06 a.m. on August 18th an earthquake was felt over nearly all of British Columbia lasting in some places twenty seconds or more. It was reported from Vancouver, Yale, Harrison, Penticton, and Summerland. It was also observed at Seattle, Wash. and at Bellingham where doors and windows rattled and sleepers awakened. No damage was done. |
Source ID |
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1008 |
U. S. Dept. of Commerce, 1973, Earthquake History of the United States, V. 41-1, revised ed., pp. 89-96 |
1973 |
Transcription: 1915. August 18. Northwestern Washington. Felt from Seattle to Laurier and from Victoria, British Columbia, to Okanogan, Wash. |
Source ID |
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1801 |
Woodward Clyde Consultants, unpublished |
1981 |
Woodward-Clyde Consultants (1981), Historical Catalog (1841-1980) for the Pacific Northwest Region, unpublished catalog prepared for the Washington Public Power Supply System. Copy provided to UW in 1993. |
Transcription: 191508181405000 48500-121400 V R 5 01 |
Source ID |
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2511 |
Washington Public Power Supply System, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Ammendment 23, WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 1, 1300 MW Nuclear Power Plant, Vol. 2A. |
1977 |
Table 2R-E1 |
Transcription: 58 1915 Aug 18 14:04 marblemount v 7 TA(265) Discrepancies in location 1915 Aug 18 14:05 48.50N., 121.4ow. vi EP(75,78) (0.50 Lat., 1.00 Long.) and 1915 Aug 18 14:05 49.OON., 120.4ow. vii BR(147) intensity. BR(147)Intensity 1915 Aug 18 14:05 49.0-N., 120.4-W. vi NE(36) based on Rossi-Forel 1915 Aug 18 14:05 48.50N., 121.40W. v RA(466) Intensity Scale. 1915 Aug 18 14:05 48.5-N., 121.4-W. 9 Ml(130) |
Source ID |
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2222 |
Monthly Weather Review |
1915 |
V. 43, p. 416 |
Transcription: Date: August 18, 1915 Time (Greenwich Civil): 14:04 Location: Laurier, Washington Latitude (deg., min.): 48 59 Longitude (deg.,min.): 118 13 RF Intensity: 4 Number of Shocks: 1 Duration (sec.): Sounds: Remarks: Observer: Mrs. J. S. Myers |
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765 |
Reid, unpub., Scrapbook and Cardfile, on microfilm at USGS in Menlo Park |
Transcription: Smith, BC & N Washington 49 degrees N; 120-121 degrees W PST 6:05 am 18 Aug, 1915 GMT 14h 05m VII (?) duration 20 seconds -Bull SSA, V 157; MWR Aug 416; SB IV 87 Origin probably near Washington-BC boundary. Felt at Vic- toria along southern BC and in northern WA. (This from Vic- toria reconrds) late (?) shock felt at Marblemount (48 de- grees 32' N; 121 degrees 26' W) at 10 am. The intensity of the first shock at Marblemount, Washington was V and dura- tion 5 seconds. Felt over northern part of Washington from Seattle in SW & Lourier (?) nearly in the NE corner of state and all over southern BC from Vancouver in west to Okanogan region in east. Sensible probabbly over area of 30,000 sq. mi. |
Source ID |
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2383 |
Washington Public Power Supply System, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Ammendment 23, WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 1, 1300 MW Nuclear Power Plant, Vol. 2A. |
1977 |
Table 2R E-9 |
Transcription: 58 1915 Aug 18 48.50N., 121.40W. vi |
Source ID |
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2384 |
Washington Public Power Supply System, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Ammendment 23, WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 1, 1300 MW Nuclear Power Plant, Vol. 2A. |
1977 |
Table 2R E-9 |
Transcription: 59 1915 Aug 18 48.50N., 121.40W. v |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
309 |
Bradford, Donald C., 1935, Seismic History of the Puget Sound Basin, BSSA, V. 25, No. 2, pp. 138-153 |
1935 |
Transcription: 1915 August 18, 6:05 a.m.; VII; boundary of British Columbia and Washington 49 degrees north and 120 degrees 21' west; felt at Victoria and in northern Washington. |
Source ID |
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2395 |
Washington Public Power Supply System, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, Ammendment 23, WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 1, 1300 MW Nuclear Power Plant, Vol. 2A. |
1977 |
Tables 2R-E16 and 2R-E14B. Chilliwack Progress, The, Chilliwack, B.C., August 19, 1915 |
Transcription: Aug 18, 1915 CHILLIWACK PROGRESS, THE 08/19/1915 Chilliwack Progress, The, Chilliwack, B.C., August 19, 1915
"Late sleepers rudely awakened by a general shaking up of surrounding no damage.
"Chilliwack city and valley experienced a real live shake yesterday morning a few minutes after six o'clock, which lasted several seconds. The tremor was the most pronounced experienced since 1871, and was sufficient to arouse late sleepers, by the shaking of houses and the rattling of windows. Whether the shake was caused by a real earthquake or the fall of a massive glacier in the mountains caused by a long season of dry weather is a matter of conjecture.
"The latter view is accepted by many from the fact that the dis-- turbance appears to have been confined to the valley, including the Agassiz district. In 1871, it was discovered after the shock of that time, that a big slice of Mt. Cheam peak had dropped about one thousand feet. " __________________________________ Vernon News, The, August 19, 1915
"A slight earthquake shock was felt by many in this city on Wednesday morning shortly after five o'clock. it seems to have been a little more noticeable at Coldstream than in town." _______________________________________________ Penticton Herald, The, Penticton, B.C., August 19, 1915 "SMALL QUAKE WAS FELT IN PENTICTON
"Earth tremor was noticeable all over province - from Mount Baker.
"A distinct earth tremor was felt here at 6:05 o'clock yesterday morning. Dishes rattled on the pantry shelves, furniture and fixtures in the houses shook and citilens generally accustomed to waiting until the respectable hour of eight before waking in the morning woke rather suddenly.
"it is seven years since there was any evidence of an earthquake shock in Penticton. Two years ago, there was a very distinct shock in Vancouver and several buildings were slightly strained.
"Insofar as can be learned absolutely no damage was done here on Wednesday. The houses shook for two or three seconds as if in a very strong gale, but that was all. Most of the sleepers in the upper floors woke up, but those slumbering closer to the ground, say that they did not know that there was a tremor at all. _______________________________________________ |
Source ID |
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2220 |
Monthly Weather Review |
1915 |
V. 43, p. 416 |
Transcription: Date: August 18, 1915 Time (Greenwich Civil): 14:04 Location: Glacier, Wash. Latitude (deg., min.): 48 54 Longitude (deg.,min.): 121 57 RF Intensity: 4 Number of Shocks: 2 Duration (sec.): 6 Sounds: Faint Remarks: Origins in Southern British Columbia Observer: C.C. McGuire |
Source ID |
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2352 |
Coombs, H.A., W.G. Milne, O.W. Nuttli, and D.B. Slemmons, "Report of the Review Panel on the December 14, 1872 earthquake", |
1976 |
Appendix B: Reports related to the December 14, 1872 earthquake, pp. 19-20. Chelan Leader, September 14, 1899, p 2, Chelan, W. T. |
Transcription: (RSL comment: this material is extracted from the "Report of the Review Panel on the December 14, 1872 earthquake" Coombs, H.A., W.G. Milne, O.W. Nuttli, and D.B. Slemmons December 1976. Appendix B: Reports related to the December 14, 1872 earthquake; pages 19 -20)
Chelan Leader September 14, 1899, p 2 Chelan, W. T.
A Volcanic Upheaval
The Leader is informed that about 2 o'clock p.m. last Sunday, up the lake about 19 miles at E. F. Christie's place, J. A. Graham saw out near the center of the lake a peculiar, upheaval of the gassy surface to the height, apparently, of about 6 or 10 feet. He afterwards watched the waves roll in towards shore. The water came in like a tidal wave, all of slx feet high, driving the little steamer Kitten, moored there, high upon the rocks, then receding, caused it to upset and sink. Succeeding waves continued for two hours before the lake finally quieted down. All observers agree that there was no wind blowing at the time.
At Mountain Park, four miles this side, T. R. Gibson says the wave from the upheaval was only 20 minutes in reaching there. The steamer Dexter, which came down Tuesday and assisted in raising the Kitten, reports that the wave was very noticeable at Moore's Point and the head.
Judge I. A. Navarre, who came down from 10 miles up 25-mile creek on Tuesday, is said to have been told by some prospectors up there that the creek--one of the largest tributaries of the lake--went dry for aboul three hours on Sunday afternoon, and then resumed its natural flow, which, if true, would indicate a disturbance of some nature--probably volcanic--in the moun- tains. It was certainly a strange and unusual occurrence, and only for the credibility of our informants, we should be inclined to think it a great big sell.
Chilliwack Progress August 19, 1915 Chilliwack, B. C.
Chilliwack Valley Experiences Shake
Late Sleepers Rudely Awakened by a General Shaking Up of Surroundings - No Damage.
Chilliwack city and valley experienced a real shake yesterday morning a few minutes after six o'clock, which lasted several seconds. The tremor was the most pronounced experienced since 1871, and was sufficient to arouse late sleepers, by the shaking of houses and rattling of windows. Whether the shake was caused by a real earthquake or the fall of a massive glacier in the mountains caused by a long season of dry weather is a matter of conjecture. The latter view is accepted by many from that the disturbance appears to have been con- fined to the valley, including the Agassiz district. In 1871 it was discovered after the shock of that time, that a big slice of Mount Cheam peak had dropped about one thousand feet. |
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1442 |
Milne, W.G., 1956, Seismic Activity in Canada, west of the 113th meridian 1841-1951: Canada Dominion Obs. Pub., V. 18, No. 7, pp. 119-146 |
1957 |
Transcription: 1915 AUGUST 18. 6:05 a.m. phi = 48 degrees 32' N; lambda = 121 degrees 26' W. Br. An earth- quake was felt from Seattle to Enderby, and from Victoria to the Okanagan Valley. At Victoria the S-P time on the seismograph was 17 seconds, indi- cating a distance of 91 miles. The tremor was felt at Penticton, Yale, Sum- merland, Harrison, Bellingham (where doors rattled), Kelowna, Chilliwack (where it was quite violent), and Enderby. At Marblemount an aftershock was felt at 10:00 a.m. Col., BSSA |
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2330 |
Garry Colin Rogers, Seismotectonics of British Coulmbia, PhD Thesis |
1983 |
PhD Thesis, Dept. of Geophysics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, pp. 19-27 and p. 228 |
Transcription: TABLE Il Larger Historic Vancouver Island - Puget Sound Earthquakes
Their Felt Area (In square KM -RSL 6/95) and Resulting Magnitude
1872 DEC 14 48.6 121.4 1010,000 - 7.3 1903 MAR 14 47.7 122.2 26,000* 4.3 4.9 1904 MAR 17 47.8 123.0 50,000* 6.0 5.3 1909 JAN 11 48.7 122.8 150,000 5.6 6.0 1911 SEP 29 48.8 122.7 8,000 4.3 4.1 1913 DEC 25 47.7 122.5 20,000* 4.3 4.7 1915 AUG 18 48.5 121.4 77,000* 5.5 4.6 (This magnitude is a typographic error in Roger's thesis correct magnitude should be 5.6, based on the felt area given here RSL 6/95) 1918 DEC 06 49.5 125.9 650,000 7.0 7.0 1920 JAN 24 48.6 123.0 70,000 5.0 5.5 1923 FEB 12 49.0 122.7 8,000 4.3 4.1 1926 DEC 04 48.5 123.0 30,000 4.3 5.0 1928 FEB 09 49.0 125.3 120,000 3.7 5.8 (List continues through 1965 - RSL 6/1995)
*Felt area from "Earthquake History of the United States" by Coffman and von Hake (1973).
1)Magnitude in the Canadian Earthquake Data File.
2)Calculated using Toppozada's (1975) relationships
5) Comments on Revisions of Some Key Earthquakes (Figure 6)
a) March 16, 1904 In the Canadian Earthquake Data File the epicentre for this event was located on the west side of the Olympic Peninsula and it was assigned a magnitude of 6. in "Earthquake History of the United States" it is given the location of Victoria, B.C. and assigned an intensity value of V. A study of felt levels from newspaper reports suggests the earthquake has an epicentre along the west side of Puget Sound, south of Port Townsend and that the magnitude is about 5. The confirmation that this earthquake was not near the west coast of the Olympic Peninsula is important as no large earthquakes have yet been located along the coast.
b) January 11, 1909 Felt reports from newspapers limit this epicentre to the San Juan Islands region where several instances of damage occurred. Felt information also clearly shows that the size of the isoseismal maps is between that for the 1965 Seattle earthquake and the 1976 Gulf Islands earthquake (Figure 7). The magnitude is about 6 according to Toppozada's (1975) felt area relationship. Lack of aftershocks and lack of higher intensities in the epicentral region suggest this event belongs to the deeper suite of earthquakes. This event is significant because it points out that large earthquakes in the deeper suite can also occur north of Puget Sound.
c) December 6, 1918 This earthquake has several epicentres in the literature which are shown in Figure 8. Investigations with the set of P arrival times listed in the ISS place the epicentre on Vancouver Island near the west coast, south of the present town of Gold River which did not exist in 1918. Because of the quality of 1918 arrival times this epicentre has an uncertainty of the order of + 50 km. Felt information collected by Dennison (1919) and supplemented by newspaper investigations suggest the magnitude of 7 (Ms) calculated by Gutenberg and Richter (1949) is correct.
d) February 9, 1928 Felt information and a 100 mile distance issued from the Victoria seismograph station (VGZ), presumably from the S-P interval, indicates the earthquake was in the vicinity of Barkely Sound and had a magnitude of about 5-3/4. This event was in the Canadian Earthquake Data File but was located in the Strait of Juan de Fuca with a magnitude of 3.7. It is significant that an earthquake of this size occurred in the Barkely Sound region as there have been no events above magnitude 4 in that region since 1928.
e) September 17, 1926 and May 7, 1927 Both of these events were assigned epicentres by the ISS at the location previously calculated for the epicentre of the December 6, 1918 earthquake (Figure 8). Because of the proximity of the cities of Nanaimo and Victoria and the distribution of population close to the ISS epicentral region, these earthquakes could not have been located there as they would have been felt. With the data listed in the ISS and felt reports they were located elsewhere. The 1927 event occurred in the vicinity of Brooks Peninsula on Vancouver Island and the 1926 event occurred on the mainland north of Vancouver (see Appendix 1).
APPENDIX 1 - Revised parameters fir earthquakes in the Vancouver Island-Puget Sound Region 1900-1950 ( P 128. - Included here are 1900-1928; Times apparently GMT -RSL 5/95) YEAR DATE TIME LAT LONG MAG
1903 Mar. 14 02:15 47.7 122.2 4.9 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area 1904 Mar. 17 04:21 47.8 123.0 5.3 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area 1909 Jan. 11 23:49 48.7 122.8 6.0 Location based on felt reports, mag. from felt area 1911 Sept. 29 02:39 48.8 122.7 4.1 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area 1913 Dec. 25 14:40 47.7 122.5 4.7 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area 1915 Aug. 18 14:05 48.5 121.4 4.6 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area (Note - the magnitude of 4.6 is due to a typographical error in Table 1 of Roger's thesis. The correct magnitude, based on a felt area of 77,000 square km is 5.6 RSL 6/95) 1918 Dec. 06 08:41:05.8 49.62 125.92 7.0 Recalc. from ISS data. Mag. from Gutenberg and Richter (1949) and felt area. 1919 Oct. 10 01:07:16.5 48.63 127.15 5.5 Recalc. from ISS data. Mag. estimated from the number of P arrivals. 1920 Jan. 24 07:10 48.6 123.0 5.5 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area 1923 Feb. 12 18:30 49.0 122.7 4.1 Location from "EQ Hist. of the US.", mag. from felt area 1926 Sept. 17 23:14:40 50.0 123.0 5.5 Recalc. from ISS data. Mag. estimated from the number of P arrivals. This event was previously identified as occurring on Sept. 7 at 22:14:36 1926 Dec. 4 13:55 48.5 123.0 5.0 Location based on felt reports, Magnitude from felt area 1927 May 7 21:56 50.15 127.85 5.5 Gonzales (VGZ) S-P and felt reports are similar to 1978 Brooks Peninsula events, thus this epicentre is used. Magnitude from felt area. This event was previously identified as occurring on May 8 at 14:00. 1928 Feb. 9 11:05 49.0 125.3 5.8 Location on the basis of Gonzales (VGZ) S-P and felt reports. Magnitude from felt area. |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
2223 |
Monthly Weather Review |
1915 |
V. 43, p. 416 |
Transcription: Date: August 18, 1915 Time (Greenwich Civil): 14:04 Location: Marblemount, Wash. Latitude (deg., min.): 48 32 Longitude (deg.,min.): 121 26 RF Intensity: 5 Number of Shocks: 1 Duration (sec.): 5 Sounds: Loud Remarks: Observer: Henry Soll |
Source ID |
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2224 |
Monthly Weather Review |
1915 |
V. 43, p. 416 |
Transcription: Date: August 18, 1915 Time (Greenwich Civil): 14:04 Location: Seattle, Wash. Latitude (deg., min.): 47 38 Longitude (deg.,min.): 122 20 RF Intensity: 2 Number of Shocks: 1 Duration (sec.): 3 Sounds: Remarks: Observer: U.S. Weather Bureau |
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131 |
Rasmussen, Norman, 1967, Washington state earthquakes 1840 through 1965, BSSA V. 57, No. 3, pp. 463-476 |
1967 |
Transcription: 131 1915 Aug. 18 14:05 48.5 N, 121.4 W V 1 felt over 30,000 sq. mi. |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
1142 |
Townley, S. D. and M. W. Allen, 1939, Descriptive Catalog of Earthquakes of the Pacific Coast of the United States 1769-1928, Chap. III Earthquakes in Washington, 1883-1928, BSSA, V. 29, No. 1, pp. 259-268 |
1939 |
Transcription: 1915 August 18. 6:04 a.m. V. Marblemount, Skagit Co. Felt at Lakeside, Chelan Co., Laurier, Ferry Co.; Glacier, Whatcom Co.; Okanogan, Okanogan Co.; and at Victoria, B. C., and Seattle. At Marblemount an aftershock was felt at 10 a.m.-MWR, 43, 416; BSSA, 5, 157; Reid's Scrapbook, 4, 81. |
Source ID |
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2221 |
Monthly Weather Review |
1915 |
V. 43, p. 416 |
Transcription: Date: August 18, 1915 Time (Greenwich Civil): 14:04 Location: Lakeside, Wash. Latitude (deg., min.): 47 50 Longitude (deg.,min.): 120 00 RF Intensity: 3 Number of Shocks: 1 Duration (sec.): Sounds: Faint Remarks: Observer: W. H. Van Meter |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
Source ID |
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Pub Details |
7111 |
Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) |
1914-1917 |
Transcription: Weather Bureau, US Department of Agriculture. Climatological Data - Washington Section (Seattle, Weather Bureau) January 1914 to post December 1917 (Volume 18 #1 to Volume 21 #12) * January 1914 to November 1917 events taken from above source * Jan 5, 1914 Earthquakes - Baker very slight (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 7, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 13, 1914 Earthquakes - Yale “distinct” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Jan 31, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #1 January 1914) Feb 1, 1914 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 18 #2 February 1914) Aug 8, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “there was a slight earthquake on the 8th at 2:30 am.” (volume 18 #8 August 1914) Sept 5, 1914 Sumner “There was an earthquake shock on the 5th at 1:38 am. The shock was quite distinct having a twisting motion, travelling from south to southwest. The duration was from 8 to 10 seconds.” (volume 18 #9 September 1914) Sept 23, 1914 Earthquake - Lakeside “There was a heavy earthquake shock on the 23d at 2:33 am” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 18 #9 September 1914) July 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Lakeside (volume 19 #7 July 1914) “August 17(?), 1915” Earthquakes - Laurier, White Bluffs [Note: publication has “?” implying event likely occurred August 18, 1915. See next entry gwl] (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Earthquakes - Anacortes, Baker, Colville, Glacier, Lakeside, Omak, Winthrop, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Anacortes - “there was an earthquake shock on the 18th at about 5:58 a.m., apparently vibrating east and west.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Baker - “there were two earthquake shocks on the 18th at 6:05 a.m., of 15 seconds duration from west to east. Buildings were severely shaken.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Lakeside - “There was an earthquake shock on the 18th at 6:08 a.m., the vibrations being from southwest to northeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] Laurier - “On the 17th(?) an earthquake shock was felt at about 6:05 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Twentyfive Mile Creek - “On the morning of the 18th at about six o’clock, there was a rumbling and then a sharp shock and then a rumbling, coming from the northwest and passing to the southeast.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) [Aug 18, 1915] White Bluffs - “An earthquake occurred on the 17th(?) at about 6 a.m.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 18, 1915 Winthrop - “At 6:10 a.m., on the 18th, there were two earthquake shocks, the second being most severe. Crockery was rattled. The shocks were generally observed in the vicinity.” (volume 19 #8 August 1915) Aug 27, 1916 Earthquakes - Twentyfive Mile Creek “There was a light earthquake on the 27th at 12:20 p.m. northwest to southeast.” (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 20 #8 August 1915) Jun 9, 1917 Earthquakes - La Center, Longmires Springs, Twentyfive Mile Creek (volume 21 #6 June 1917) Jun 11, 1917 Earthquakes - Glenoma (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #6 June 1917) July 24, 1917 Earthquakes - Cedar Lake (Not in Ludwin & Qamar 1995) (volume 21 #7 July 1917) Nov 12 & 13, 1917 Earthquakes - Longmires Springs “Two earthquakes occurred; one on the 12th and severe enough to shake loose rock off the foothills.” (volume 21 #11 November 1917) |
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