Time of Occurrence (GMT): Wednesday February 28, 2001 at 18:54:32.78 Z
Time of Occurrence (PST): Wednesday February 28, 2001 at 10:54:32.78 AM

Depth (km) 52.40
Magnitude (Mw) 6.8
- Moment magnitude from the USGS National Earthquake Information Center.

Location 47.1525N 122.7197W

    17.6 km  NE of Olympia, WA
    23.7 km WSW of Tacoma, WA
    57.5 km SSW of Seattle, WA
Name of data file: 01022818543p



Detailed Information and Graphics about the Earthquake

Our data base of earthquake hypocenters contains information from the 19th century to the present. Included are:

  • A map of the Pacific Northwest showing the location of the earthquake (in red) plus prior earthquakes M > 3.5. Shallow events are black. Events deeper than 35 km are green.
  • A map showing a closer view of the earthquake and prior historical earthquakes with magnitude 3.5 or greater. Shallow events are black. Events deeper than 35 km are green.
  • A list of 10 big earthquakes preceding the mainshock that are closest to it and have a magnitude greater than 3.5. These are the most significant historical earthquakes in the vicinity of the mainshock (see the closer view map above).
  • A map showing the location of the earthquake relative to cities.
  • A map showing the location of the earthquake relative to the nearest seismograph stations that recorded it.
  • A detailed list of all earthquakes (M > 1.0) that occurred in the vicinity of the special earthquake in the previous two years. For the locations of these events see the next map.
  • A map of all earthquakes (M > 1.0) that occurred in the two years prior to the special earthquake. Detailed area shown is just few kilometers around the mainshock.
  • A List of the nearest 20 strong motion sites

Earthquake Mechanism

If sufficient P-wave first motion data are available, a fault plane determination for the earthquake will be available in the form of

Interactive view mechanism and smaller earthquakes with 3-D viewer. Similar to Figure 1 in SRL article: "Preliminary report on the Mw=6.8 Nisqually, Washington earthquake of 28 February 2001", SRL, V 72, May/June 2001.

Preliminary Strong Motion Information