Tremor locations by week for last several ETS

Here are the tremor locations provided by the "wech-o-meter" for the past several ETS's in northern Washington - southern Vancouver Island broken out by week. The beginning of tremor (week 1) is defined as the first day that is followed by more or less continuous tremor spreading from the first day locations. "Week 0" is the week preceding this starting time. Each plot is for 8 days so the last day of one plot is the same as the first day of the next week's plot. Clicking on any plot provides a larger version of it. NOTE: In 2012 the area and scale of the plots changed because the tremor usually covered a MUCH larger area.

There is now a tremor density comparison for episodes since 2010.

-- January 2007 --
-- May 2008 --
-- May 2009 --
-- August 2010 --
-- July-Aug 2011 --
-- Fall 2012 --
-- Fall 2013 --
-- Fall 2014 --
- Winter 2015 - 2016-
-- Winter 2017 --
-- Spring 2018 --
week 0
week 1
week 2
week 3
week 4
week 5 ------- no week 5-----------
------- for 2007 -----------
---- no week 5-------
-- for 2015-2016 ----
week 6 ---- no week 6--------
---- for 2007 --------
---- no week 6--------
---- for 2008 --------
---- no week 6--------
---- for 2010 --------

A Week plus one day - END
---- no week 6--------
---- for 2013 --------
---- no week 6--------
---- for 2014 --------
---- no week 6--------
---- for 2015 --------
---- no week 6--------
---- for 2017--------
week 7 ---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- no week 7--------
---- for 2017--------

NOTE: Before 2010 the wech-o-meter did not have access to Canadian National Seismograph Stations and thus detections and locations during the latter parts of an ETS north of the Straits may be in considerable error.