Special Event
Basic Information
Time of Occurrence (GMT): Saturday May 8, 1999 at 14:25:36.78 Z
Time of Occurrence (PDT): Saturday May 8, 1999 at 07:25:36.78 AM
Time of Occurrence (PST): Saturday May 8, 1999 at 06:25:36.78 AM
Depth (km) 10.00
Magnitude (Mc) 3.5
Location 49.2300N 126.2223W
24.0 km WNW of Tofino, BC
103.1 km WSW of Courtenay, BC
231.0 km W of Vancouver,BC
Name of data file: 99050814252j
This is an automated web page produced after a
significant earthquake to give essential information about the
earthquake and previous earthquake activity
in the region. This information will be updated as needed.
Detailed Information and Graphics about the Earthquake
Our data base of earthquake hypocenters contains information
from the 19th century to the present.
Included are:
- A regional map showing the location of
the earthquake (in red) plus previous earthquakes M > 3.5 since 1990.
- A Intermediate scale map
showing the location of the earthquake and prior historical earthquakes
with magnitude 3.5 or greater.
- A list of 10 big earthquakes
preceding the mainshock that are closest to it and have a
magnitude greater than 3.5. These are the most significant
historical earthquakes in the vicinity of the mainshock
(see intermediate scale map above).
- A map showing
the location of the earthquake relative to cities.
- A map showing
the location of the earthquake relative to the nearest
seismograph stations that recorded it.
- A detailed list of all earthquakes
(M > 1.0) that occurred in the vicinity of the special earthquake
in the previous two years. For the locations of these events see
the next map.
- A map of all earthquakes
(M > 1.0) that occurred in the two years prior to the special earthquake.
Detailed area shown is just few kilometers around the mainshock.
- A List of the nearest 20 strong motion sites
Earthquake Mechanism
If sufficient P-wave first motion data are available,
a fault plane determination for the earthquake
will be available in the form of
Moment Tensor Estimates of the Earthquake size may also be available. To see,
check at Oregon State U.
Preliminary Strong Motion Information
Related Information: Most Up-to-Date Local, National, and Global Earthquake Summaries