Distance and direction of nearest 20 strong motion seismographs (accelerometers) from earthquake. Such seismographs are of interest to structural engineers (data from ~seis/sites.dat). Earthquake is 5.7 km NNE of 300 Area (H3O) 7.9 km ESE of 400 Area (H4O) 26.9 km SE of 200 East (H2E) 33.3 km ESE of 200 West (H2W) 34.5 km WNW of Ice Harbor Dam, WA. Snake R. (ACOE) 36.5 km SE of 100-K Area (H1K) 53.3 km N of McNary Dam, OR. (ACOE) 79.7 km WNW of Walla Walla, WA. VA Hospital Bldg. #109 (VA) 119.5 km N of Willow Creek Dam, OR.(ACOE) 134.3 km NE of John Day Dam, OR. (ACOE) 170.0 km ENE of The Dalles Dam, OR. (ACOE) 173.9 km S of Grand Coulee Dam, WA. (WPRS) 178.9 km S of Chief Joseph Dam, WA. (ACOE) 197.5 km SW of Spokane, WA. VA Hospital Bldg. 3 (VA) 215.4 km ESE of Howard Hanson Dam, WA. (ACOE) 219.7 km ESE of Mud Mountain Dam, WA. (ACOE) 228.3 km ESE of RAW - Raver 229.2 km W of Dworshak Dam, ID. (ACOE) 232.6 km ESE of ELW - Echo Lake 233.2 km SE of Tolt River Dam, WA. (SWD)