Distance and direction of nearest 20 strong motion seismographs (accelerometers) from earthquake. Such seismographs are of interest to structural engineers (data from ~seis/sites.dat). Earthquake is 5.5 km N of 300 Area (H3O) 6.3 km ESE of 400 Area (H4O) 25.6 km SE of 200 East (H2E) 31.8 km ESE of 200 West (H2W) 35.4 km SE of 100-K Area (H1K) 36.0 km WNW of Ice Harbor Dam, WA. Snake R. (ACOE) 53.1 km N of McNary Dam, OR. (ACOE) 81.2 km WNW of Walla Walla, WA. VA Hospital Bldg. #109 (VA) 119.1 km N of Willow Creek Dam, OR.(ACOE) 132.8 km NE of John Day Dam, OR. (ACOE) 168.4 km ENE of The Dalles Dam, OR. (ACOE) 174.3 km S of Grand Coulee Dam, WA. (WPRS) 178.7 km S of Chief Joseph Dam, WA. (ACOE) 198.8 km SW of Spokane, WA. VA Hospital Bldg. 3 (VA) 213.9 km ESE of Howard Hanson Dam, WA. (ACOE) 218.0 km ESE of Mud Mountain Dam, WA. (ACOE) 226.8 km ESE of RAW - Raver 231.0 km W of Dworshak Dam, ID. (ACOE) 231.1 km ESE of ELW - Echo Lake 231.9 km SE of Tolt River Dam, WA. (SWD)