June 25, 2001 Spokane Earthquake and aftershocks

The 2001 Spokane Earthquake Sequence - Special Report

Basic Information

Time of Occurrence (GMT): Monday June 25, 2001 at 14:15:22.59 Z
Time of Occurrence (PDT): Monday June 25, 2001 at 07:15:22.59 AM
Time of Occurrence (PST): Monday June 25, 2001 at 06:15:22.59 AM

Depth (km) 9.79
Magnitude Mc=3.9, ML=3.7

Location 47.6662N 117.3605W
     3.4 km   E of Spokane, WA
   105.1 km   N of Pullman, WA
   105.9 km SSE of Colville, WA

Name of data file: 01062514151n

This is an automated web page produced after a significant earthquake to give essential information about the earthquake, its aftershocks, and previous earthquake activity in the region. Some of the information here will be updated as aftershocks occur.

Visit the WEBICORDERS to see near-real-time earthquake trace data - SPUD is the nearest station to Spokane.


Detailed Information and Graphics about the Earthquake

Our data base of earthquake hypocenters contains information from the 19th century to the present. Included are:

Foreshocks and Aftershocks

The following information will be updated as new aftershocks occur. Note that the locations of early epicenters are quite scattered because we had no seismographs near Spokane. Recent epicenters have been located using a new seismograph (SPUD) located in Spokane as well as more distant seismographs.

Earthquake Mechanism

If sufficient P-wave first motion data are available, a fault plane determination for the earthquake will be available in the form of

Moment Tensor Estimates of the Earthquake size may also be available. To see, check at Oregon State U.

Preliminary Strong Motion Information

Related Information: Most Up-to-Date Local, National, and Global Earthquake Summaries