Special Event

Basic Information

Time of Occurrence (GMT): Sunday October 15, 2000 at 14:30:6.11 Z
Time of Occurrence (PDT): Sunday October 15, 2000 at 07:30:6.11 AM
Time of Occurrence (PST): Sunday October 15, 2000 at 06:30:6.11 AM

Depth (km) 48.56
Magnitude (Mc) 3.6

Location 47.8458N 123.0378W
    31.9 km WNW of Poulsbo, WA
    42.6 km  SE of Port Angeles, WA
    59.9 km WNW of Seattle, WA

This earthquake was followed by smaller earthquake 7 hours later (2:51PM PDT) at a similar depth. Both of these earthquakes occurred in the subducting Juan de Fuca plate. The second earthquake was 27 km north of the first one. Deep earthquakes on the east side of the Olympic Peninsula are not uncommon.

Name of data file: 00101514295p

This is an automated web page produced after a significant earthquake to give essential information about the earthquake and previous earthquake activity in the region. This information will be updated as needed.

If you would like, you may fill out a form describing how the earthquake affected you. This information will be used to produce an "intensity" map illustrating how shaking and damage from the earthquake varied from place to place.
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Detailed Information and Graphics about the Earthquake

Our data base of earthquake hypocenters contains information from the 19th century to the present. Included are:

Earthquake Mechanism

If sufficient P-wave first motion data are available, a fault plane determination for the earthquake will be available in the form of

Moment Tensor Estimates of the Earthquake size may also be available. To see, check at Oregon State U.

Preliminary Strong Motion Information

Related Information: Most Up-to-Date Local, National, and Global Earthquake Summaries