This is a preliminary moment tensor solution for the 960503 04:04 UTC event near Washington (47.82 N, 121.79 W). A Mw of 5.1 was obtained using regional surface waves. Reverse mechanism. Michael Pasyanos UC Berkeley Seismographic Station Regional surface waves Mo 5.5e23 dyne-cm Mw 5.1 strike -177; 355 rake 96; 85 dip 38;52 Depth 8 km Berkeley Moment Tensor Solution Event Date/Time: 9605030404 Data Used: Surface Wave Inversion Moment Tensor: Scale = 10**23 Dyne-cm Component Value Mxx 0.022 Mxy -0.075 Mxz -0.383 Myy -5.330 Myz -1.345 Mzz 5.307 Principal Axes: Axis Value Plunge Azimuth T 5.500 82 241 N 0.000 4 358 P -5.500 7 89 Best Fitting Double-Couple: Mo = 5.50E+23 Dyne-cm Plane Strike Rake Dip NP1 355 85 52 NP2 183 96 38 Moment Magnitude = 5.13 --##--- -------###--------- --------#######---------- --------##########----------- ---------#############----------- --------###############------------ ---------################------------ ---------##################------------ --------###################------------ ---------####################------------ ---------######## #########--------- ---------######## T #########--------- P ---------######## #########--------- ---------####################------------ --------####################----------- --------####################----------- --------##################----------- --------#################---------- --------###############---------- -------#############--------- ------###########-------- -----########------ --###-- Lower Hemisphere Equiangle Projection