Oct. 1, 1996 - Sept. 30, 1997
Non-technical Summary
The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network ( PNSN) operates seismograph stations in Washington and Oregon, and collects and analyzes earthquake data. Between Oct. 1, 1996 and Sept. 30, 1997 the PNSN analyzed 3,798 events Of these, 3,074 were earthquakes or blasts within the network (1,025 of which were too small to locate). Within the network area, 1,588 earthquakes were located west of 120.5 degrees west longitude (including 511 near Mount St. Helens, which has not erupted since 1986), and 189 east of 120.5 degrees west longitude. The remaining events were blasts within the network, regional earthquakes (224) or teleseisms (500). Twenty-three earthquakes were reported felt in Washington west of the Cascades, ranging in magnitude from 0.8 to 4.9. Five earthquakes (magnitudes 2.6 - 4.6) were reported felt east of the Cascades, and four earthquakes were reported felt in Oregon.
The Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network ( PNSN) operates 85 short-period or broad-band seismometer stations west of 120 degrees west longitude under this agreement, and 51 additional stations under other support. Some stations are 3-component.
A PNSN seismologist is always on duty, and our standard procedure is to respond to beeper pages from our automatic earthquake detection process (initiated for any earthquake within our network of magnitude 2.9 or larger), or from Washington or Oregon emergency management agencies, or the UW police. Automatic detection generates PRELIMINARY faxes and electronic mail to emergency managers and other high-priority information users for earthquakes that it judges M>=2.9. We follow-up with phone calls, faxes, and e-mail with the manually analyzed solution. In addition to ordinary phone lines, we have a radio link to the Washington State Dept. of Emergency Services, and an independent direct phone link to the City of Seattle EOC. At the same time that beeper pages and faxes are sent, an automatic process creates a Web-site for the event (see http://www.geophys.washington.edu/SEIS/EQ_Special/lasteq.html ) Frequent automated updates of information are posted to Web-pages each time the analyst finalizes locations and magnitudes.
Figure 2 shows earthquakes of magnitude 2.0 or larger located in Washington and Oregon during this reporting period. Table 1 gives the locations, depths and magnitudes of earthquakes reported felt.
____________________________________________________________________________________________ TABLE 1-- FELT EARTHQUAKES 10/1/96-9/30/97 DATE-TIME is in Universal Time (UTC) which is PST + 8 hours. Magnitudes are reported as local magnitude (Ml). QUAL is location quality A-good, D-poor ____________________________________________________________________________________________ DATE-(UTC)-TIME LAT(N) LON(W) DEP MAG QUAL COMMENTS yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss deg. deg. km Ml 96/10/27 07:53:28 47.75N 121.85W 5.4 2.6 B 9.5 km E of Duvall 96/11/13 06:12:00 47.75N 121.85W 5.0 2.3 B 9.6 km E of Duvall 97/01/19 18:03:48 45.03N 122.61W 16.0 2.4 C 22.0 km ESE of Woodburn, OR 97/02/01 10:10:56 46.63N 121.66W 0.0 0.8 A 21.9 km NW of Goat Rocks 97/02/01 11:31:56 46.63N 121.65W 1.0 1.4 B 21.6 km NW of Goat Rocks 97/02/06 22:17:18 47.55N 121.81W 3.3 2.3 B 5.2 km ESE of Fall City 97/02/10 04:26:58 47.55N 122.28W 6.8 3.5 B 5.3 km SSE of Seattle 97/03/22 06:05:34 45.18N 120.06W 0.8 3.9 C 79.7 km E of Maupin, OR 97/03/26 03:10:36 45.98N 118.35W 4.7 2.6 B 9.7 km S of Walla Walla 97/05/03 23:49:44 48.48N 121.70W 0.0 3.1 C 6.3 km SSE of Concrete 97/05/18 08:28:08 48.66N 122.35W 12.7 3.2 C 14.2 km SE of Bellingham 97/05/22 10:35:21 44.05N 122.51W 6.8 2.3 C 45.6 km E of Eugene, OR 97/05/22 13:57:10 44.05N 122.51W 8.1 2.6 C 45.4 km E of Eugene, OR 97/06/13 13:44:37 49.23N 123.56W 25.7 3.1 C 40.0 km WNW of Vancouver, BC 97/06/14 20:18:07 48.11N 121.58W 12.0 2.6 C 14.6 km S of Darrington 97/06/23 19:13:27 47.58N 122.56W 7.7 4.9 B 5.6 km NE of Bremerton 97/06/23 19:30:09 47.60N 122.55W 1.2 2.6 B 6.9 km NE of Bremerton 97/06/23 21:46:24 47.60N 122.55W 0.9 3.1 B 6.9 km NE of Bremerton 97/06/24 14:23:13 48.35N 119.88W 11.2 4.6 B 23.0 km W of Okanogan 97/06/24 14:36:02 48.36N 119.86W 8.3 3.6 C 22.5 km W of Okanogan 97/06/24 14:40:58 49.25N 123.61W 15.7 4.6 B 44.1 km WNW of Vancouver, BC 97/06/24 20:40:10 47.58N 122.55W 1.1 2.6 B 6.9 km ENE of Bremerton 97/06/26 07:11:04 47.60N 122.55W 0.3 1.2 A 7.0 km NE of Bremerton 97/06/27 05:30:49 47.60N 122.58W 1.5 3.1 C 5.4 km NE of Bremerton 97/06/27 10:47:49 47.58N 122.55W 0.9 3.9 D 6.9 km ENE of Bremerton 97/07/03 22:54:43 47.75N 121.80W 0.0 1.7 A 13.9 km E of Duvall 97/07/04 10:45:38 47.70N 120.03W 8.6 3.7 C 14.1 km S of Chelan 97/07/11 01:26:01 47.58N 122.53W 1.0 2.2 B 7.2 km ENE of Bremerton 97/07/11 01:28:55 47.58N 122.53W 6.1 3.5 B 7.0 km ENE of Bremerton 97/08/01 12:55:03 47.30N 123.73W 0.0 3.4 C 36.5 km N of Aberdeen 97/09/03 17:17:26 47.68N 120.26W 0.6 3.3 C 4.9 km NW of Entiat 97/09/24 06:10:22 48.60N 123.08W 10.0 3.4 C 10.9 km NW of Friday Harbor, San Juan Is. ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Quarterly bulletins from the PNSN provide operational details and descriptions of seismic activity in Washington and Oregon. These are available from 1984 through the third quarter of 1997. PNSN Quarterly Reports since 1994 have included moment-tensor focal mechanisms for earthquakes larger than magnitude 3.5 provided by Dr. John Nabelek of Oregon State University (OSU) under support from USGS NEHRP Grant 1434-93-G-2326. Final published catalogs are available from 1970, when the network began operation, though 1989. A 1990-1994 catalog is in preparation.
Ludwin, R.S., A.I. Qamar, S.D. Malone, R.S. Crosson, S. Moran, G,C. Thomas, and W.P. Steele (in preparation), Earthquake Hypocenters in Washington and Oregon, 1990-1994, Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources Information Circular
Malone, Steve, 1997,"Near" Realtime Seismology Seismological Research Letters V67, N6, 52-54.
Malone, Steve, 1997, The Electronic Seismologist goes to FISSURES, Seismological Research Letters V68, N4, 489-492.
Thomas, G.C. and R.S. Crosson, (in preparation) The 3 May 1996 M5.4 Duvall, Washington Earthquake: Structure and Tectonic Implications, to be submitted to BSSA
Univ. of Wash. Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, 1997, Quarterly Network Reports; 96-D, 97-A,97-B, and 97-C; Seismicity of Washington and Oregon
Crosson, R.S., 1996, Seismic root structure of the Cascade Volcanic Arc of Washington: evidence for deep crustal magmatism, EOS, V. 77, No. 46, p. F514.
Malone, Steve and Anthony Qamar, 1997, Stress Conditions in the United States Pacific Northwest: Focal Mechanisms, Tectonics, and Geodesy, Geophysical Meeting on earthquakes fault-plane solutions, databases, derived parameters, and geodynamic inferences, Taormina-Messina, Italy, Feb. 1997. (invited)
Thomas, G.C., R.S. Crosson, B. Cohee, T. Qamar, and P. Lombard, 1996, The May 2, 1996, Duvall, Washington earthquake and aftershock sequence, EOS, V. 77, No. 46, p. F523.
Symons, N.P. and R.S. Crosson, 1996, P-wave Tomography in the Puget Sound Region, Washington: preliminary results, EOS, V. 77, N. 46, p. F466
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UW Dept. of Earth & Space Sciences ..... PNW EARTHQUAKES
University of Washington Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351310 Seattle, WA, 98195-1310