WASHINGTON AND OREGON (120th MERIDIAN OR PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) February 20: 11:07:09.5*. Epicenter 48.7 degrees north, 123.4 degrees west, San Juan Islands, W. IV. On Orcas Island different people reported in the press the shocks were similar to dropping something heavy in the house or to the house settling a little. Felt by many at Olga. Disturbed objects observed by several. Slight visible swaying of buildings and trees reported. Buildings creaked; loose objects rattled.- Also felt by few at Seattle. February 20: 16:00. Lopez, Wash. 111. Felt by several. Thunderous subterranean sounds accompanied shock. February 22: 01:39:53*. San Juan Islands. V. At Olga felt by and awakened many. Rat- tling of loose objects heard by many. Disturbed objects observed by several. Felt by few who were awake at Seattle. February 23: 01:07:50*. Duvall, Wash. Reported felt. March 4: 11:42. Spokane, Washington. V. Homes shook and chairs moved in a limited area. March 14: 06:59:37*. Epicenter 48.7 degrees north, 123.1 degrees west, off northwest coast of Washington, W. Intensity IV at Coupeville, where it was felt by several. Houses creaked, loose objects rattled, and pictures moved on walls. July 27: 11:52 and 12:14. Seattle, Wash. IV. Felt by few. Stovepipe shook and small objects on sewing machine moved during both shocks. Some thought the second shock was the stronger. August 6: 09:31. Seattle, Wash. V. Felt by many in central section of Seattle. Few old plaster cracks opened and some plaster fell. Small objects swayed. Buildings creaked and loose objects rattled. Residents in South and West Seattle reported doors, lamps, and windows rattled. Awakened one person in West Seattle.
UW Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences ..... . PNW EARTHQUAKES