(120th MERIDIAN OR PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) WASHINGTON AND OREGON January 12: 01:40. Strongest at Bothell and Snoqualmie Falls, Wash. Felt by several in lodge hall in Fall City and in homes in Monroe and North Bend. April 1: 16:58. Olympia, Wash. Press reports shock of low intensity felt strongest in downtown district of Olympia and in Quilcene. A Boston Harbor resident reported a short, rocking motion which lasted about 1 second. A woman in Seattle felt a piano stool rock. Professor H. A. Coombs of the Uni- versity of Washington stated the quake originated within 40 miles of Seattle and was "just barely felt." September 20: 02:30. Puyallup, Wash. Light shock felt by two persons in home. Dishes rattled and small objects were shifted. Rather loud noise at time of shock. Hanging objects swung NE. in Cove; and Eatonville residents reported windows, doors, and dishes rattled, a few were awakened. November 23: 01:46:05.* See section on Western Mountain region for reports from Washington on this shock which centered in southwestern Montana. December 22: 02:30. North-central Washington. Shock of intensity IV awakened several in Entiat neighborhood, and few in Lucerne, Orondo, and Tonasket (12 miles east of). Windows rattled in Entiat, and in Orondo windows, doors, and dishes rattled; houses creaked. One person at the latter place reported a rumbling, rattling sound. December 24: 12:02. Klamath Falls, Oreg. Felt by several in central section of town, motion trembling, swaying. Loose objects rattled and buildings creaked. Pictures on walls and suspended lighting fixtures swayed. Few were alarmed. Faint bumping sounds heard.
UW Dept. of Earth and Space Sciences ..... . PNW EARTHQUAKES