Duwamish, Wash.
Data Source Date Code Remarks
Tacoma Ledger February 25, 1893 E Insufficient data to
determine intensity,
locality is near Seattle, Wash. Not a period account; located near Seattle, and Seattle intensity
A. Period Account: Primary source for evaluation of intensity or
felt report.
B. Period Account: Insufficient data to evaluate intensity.
C. Period Account: Item appearing as dispatch, summary or brief des-
cription or duplicate data with more complete
data available in other sources.
D. Later descriptive account identified with period sources.
E. Later descriptive account not confirmed in period documentary sources.
*Designates duplicate data not included in compilation.
Duwamish, Washington
Tacoma Ledger
February 25, 1893
Tacoma, Washington
"At Duwamish head a flagpole thirty feet high waved a distance of four feet."