Colville, Wash.

Data Source Date Code Remarks

John A. Simms Letter December 31, 1872 A Extracts appear in numerous newspapers. Walla Walla Union December 28, 1872 A Puget Sound Daily Courier January 2, 1873 A Walla Walla Union January 11, 1873 A Oregonian January 15, 1873 B Refer to Plate III, aftershocks *Puget Sound Daily Courier January 20, 1872 C Refer to Simms' letter *Victoria Daily Standard January 24, 1873 C Refer to Simms' letter *Cariboo Sentinel January 25, 1873 C The Olympia Trans- February 8, 1873 C Brief extract from cript Simms' letter *New Northwest February 22, 1873 C Refer to Simms' letter Walla Walla Union March 15, 1873 A Refer to Plate III, aftershocks Walla Walla Union June 14, 1873 A Listed under Colville Reports, locality un- known. Refer to Plate III, aftershocks. Spokesman Review January 8, 1906 D Some of the data appears consistent with period accounts.

A. Period Account: Primary source for evaluation of intensity or felt report. B. Period Account: Insufficient data to evaluate intensity.
C. Period Account: Item appearing as dispatch, summary or brief des- cription or duplicate data with more complete data available in other sources.
D. Later descriptive account identified with period sources.
E. Later descriptive account not confirmed in period documentary sources. *Designates duplicate data not included in compilation.
Colville, Washington
Walla Walla Union December 28, 1872 - p. 3 Walla Walla, Washington
From Colville--Hon. W.P. Winans sends us the following items under date of 16th inst.:
Our valley was visited by an earthquake at 10 1/2 o'clock P.M., on the 14th inst. The first shock lasted about three minutes, toppled clocks, shook down crockery and bottles from shelves, etc. Several slighter shocks occurred during the next five hours.
The weather is cold, and sleighing good.