1872 North Cascades Earthquake - Weston Geophysical Research, Inc., Table 1


RSL comment: this table is included in the "Report of the Review Panel on the December 14, 1872 earthquake" Coombs, H.A., W.G. Milne, O.W. Nuttli, and D.B. Slemmons December 1976 as Appendix D: Selected Supporting Information)


    Locality     Primary Data Source          Date         Intensity  Remarks

           Oregonian                    1/17/1873               No descriptive account for
                                                                      main shock of 14th.
Colville         Simms letter                 12/31/1872   V - VI
                 Spokesman Review             1/8/1906
                 Walla Walla Union            12/28/1872;
                                              1/11, 3/15,  V+
                 Puget Sound Daily Courier    1/2/1873

Region North     Oregonian                    1/15/1873               Report of doubtful auth-
  of Colville                                                         enticity - Intensity should
                                                                      not be used and locality
                                                                      cannot be plotted.  Hold for

Duwamish Head    Tacoma Ledger                2/25/1893               Near Seattle, intensity
                                                                      not plotted, not a period

Elk Plain        Puget Sound Express          12/19/1872              Near Steilacoom, not plotted.

Entiat-Ribbon    Wenatchee Daily World        8/8/1925                cf Appendix A

Ft. Simcoe       Pacific Christian            12/26/1872   IV

Kalama           Kalama Beacon                12/21/1872   II - III

Kittitas Valley  Olympia Transcript           1/4/1873     V
                 Oregonian                    1/7/1873

Klickitat        Pacific Christian  Advocate   12/26/1872  IV+
                 Washington Standard          1/11/1873    IV+

LaConner         Daily British Colonist       12/15/1872   V -  VI

Lake Chelan                                                           cf Appendix A

Lewis River      Daily Oregonian              12/17/1872   IV+ est

New Dungeness     The Olympia Transcript      2/i/1873      VI est

Olympia           Daily PaCific Tribune       12/16,12/17,
                                              12/18/1872    VI
                  Weekly Echo                 12/19/1872
                  Puget Sound Weekly Courier  12/21/1872
                  Washington Standard         12/21/1872

Oysterville       The Weekly Echo             12/19/1872               Felt report of an earth-
                                                                       quake on becember 10 at
                                                                       10:30 P.m.  No later dis-
                                                                       patches pertaining to
                                                                       December 14.

Pen-a-wawa        Walla Walla Statesman       12/21/1872    V

Pine Grove        Walla Walla Statesman       12/21/1872    V - VI

Port Discovery    Daily Puget Sound Courier   12/19/1872    V+         Not plotted; locality
                                                                       near Port Townsend

Port Gamble       Daily Pacific Tribune       12/16/1872    VI

Port Madison      The Weekly Echo             12/19/1872    Felt

Port Townsend     The Weekly Echo             12/19/1872    Felt
                  Washington standard         12/21/1872
                  Oregonian                   12/27/1872

Puyallup (River)  Oregonian                   12/23/1872    VI+
                  Daily Pacific Tribune       12/16/1872
                  The Weekly Echo             12/19/1872
                  The Dalles Mountaineer      2/l/1873
                  Washington Standard         12/21/1872    VI
                  Weekly Intelligencer        2/3/1873

River Station      The Montana Pioneer      12/21/1872             Probably not felt report
  Pend Oreille                                                     of 14th - time is afternoon,
                                                                   not evening

Rock   Island      Oregonian                12/30/1872

San Juan           Douglas, G.C.            12/1872                Not plotted

Seattle            Daily Pacific Tribune    12/16/1872  V          Numerous dispatches and
                   Victoria Daily Standard  12/16/1872  VI         duplicate accounts appear
                   Weekly Intelligencer     12/16/1872             for Seattle.
                   Puget Sound Dispatch     12/19/1872

Skokomish          The Weekly Echo          1/2/1873    VI

Snoqualmie         Weekly Pacific Tribune   12/28/1872  Felt
(Snoqualmie Pass)  Willamette Farmer        1/4/1873    Vi?

Spokane County     Tiffin                               V   est    Location uncertain. Plotted
                   Garry                    -                      at Spokane.
                   The Oregonian            12/30/1872
.(Spokane Bridge)  Walla Walla Statesman    12/21/1872  IV

Steilacoom         Puget Sound Express      12/19/1872  V

Stuck  Valley      The Olympia Transcript   1/25/1873   VI

Tenino             Daily Pacific Tribune    12/16/1872  Not Felt

Texas Ferry        Walla Walla Statesman    12/21/1872  V   est

Tieton  Basin      Wenatchee World          6/15/1922              Not a period account.

Touchet            Walla Walla Weekly  12/21/1872  III  IV

Tukanon            Idaho Signal        12/21/1872  IV   V?

Tumwater           Daily Pacific Tribune     12/16/1872

Vancouver          Washington Standard       12/21/1872  Felt

Walla Walla   Walla Walla Union         12/21/1872  V
              Walla Walla Weekly
              Statesman                 12/21/1872  V
              Oregonian                 1/10/1873

Wallula       The Daily Oregonian       12/16/1872  Heavy
              Willamette Farmer         12/21/1872

Wenatchee     Washington Standard       1/11/1873   VII        cf Appendix A, Appendix B.

White Bluffs  Oregonian                 12/30/1872

White Stone   Walla Walla Union         3/15/1873              See slides map.  No report
                                                               of damage.

Yakima        The Oregonian             12/30/1872  V?
              The Weekly Intelligencer  1/13/1873

COMPILATION OF FELT REPORTS: BRITISH COLUMBIA Locality Primary Data Source Date, Intensity Remarks Barkerville Cariboo Sentinel 12/2L/1872 No local reports; dis- patches from other areas. Chilliwack Daily British Colonist 12/17/1872 VI - VII Mainland Guardian 12/19/1872 VI - VII The Chilliwack Progress 8/19/1915 Is not a period account. Not used in intensity evaluation. Clinton Victoria Daily Standard 12/16/1872 VI - VII Puget Sound Dispatch 12/19/1872 Oregonian 12/21/1872 Fort Shepherd Walla Walla Union 3/15/1873 Same account found in The New Northwest, 4/5/1873. Kootenai The Victoria Daily Standard 3/12/1873 V - VI Walla Walla Statesman, Weekly 3/29/1873 Lytton Victoria Daily Standard 12/16/1872 IV Matsqui Daily British Colonist 12/151 12/17/1872 V New Westminster Victoria Daily Standard 12/20/1872 Felt Nicola Valley Daily British Colonist 12/29/1872 VI O'Damet Victoria Daily Standard 12/16/1872 IV - V Not plotted. Locality unknown. Osoyoos Victoria Daily Standard 1/10/1873 VI - VII Daily British Colonist 1/10/1873 VI - VII Mainland Guardian 1/9/1873 VI - VII Perry Creek Walla Walla Statesman 3/29/1873 Felt Quesnell The Cariboo Sentinel 12/21/1872 (Quesnelmouth) Victoria Daily Standard 1/10/1873 Race Rocks Daily British Colonist 12/19/1872 IV? Not plotted, description not applicable to 14 Dec. event, pertains to "after- shock" on 15 Dec. Shuswap Prairie The Victoria Daily Standard 2/3/1873 V+ Soda Creek Victoria Daily Standard 12/16/1872 Described as "considerable violence" but no damage report. Vernon The Vernon News 4/2/1936 Period accounts not avail- able for this locality; not plotted. Victoria Daily British Colonist 12/15/1872 VI Numerous duplicate des- 12/17/1872 Vi+ criptions or dispatches 12/19/1872 appear for Victoria. Daily Oregonian i2/17/1872 Portland Oregonian 12/17/1872 Yale Victoria Daily Standard 12/16/1872 VI Bushby

COMPILATION OF FELT REPORTS: OREGON lit Primary Data Source Date Intensity Remarks Astoria Plaindealer 12/27/1872 V Aurora Puget Sound Dispatch 12/19/1872 Felt Daily British Colonist 12/17/1872 Baker City Bedrock Democrat 12/18/1872 V The Mountain Sentinel 12/21/1872 Canyon City The Weekly Mountaineer 12/28/1872 Cascade Daily Oregonian 12/17/1872 II or NF The Weekly Echo 12/19/1872 Columbia City Daily Oregonian 12/17/1872 Felt Corvallis Weekly Corvallis Gazette 12/21/1872 Not Felt Eugene City Washington Standard 12/21/1872 Felt The Oregon State Journal 1/4/1873 Not Felt Jacksonville Democratic Times 12/21/1872 Felt? Local report uncertain. Jefferson Willamette Farmer 12/21/1872 Felt LaGrande Bedrock Democrat 12/18/1872 IV - V Oregon City Daily British Colonist 12/17/1872 Felt Oregon City Enterprise 12/20/1872 Oro Dell The Mountain Sentinel 12/21/1872 V Pendleton The Mountain Sentinel 12/21/1872 IV est Oregonian 1/7/1873 Portland Daily Oregonian 12/16, 17, 19/1872 V The Catholic Sentinel 12/21/1872 Oregonian 12/30/1872 Rainier Daily Oregonian 12/17/1872 Felt Roseburg The Plaindealer 12/20, No data regarding local 12/27/1872 report. Not plotted. Salem Willamette Farmer 12/21/1872 IV Weekly Mercury 12/20/1872 St. Helens Daily Oregonian 12/17/1872 Felt The Dalles Weekly Mountaineer 12/21/1872 III+ Willamette Farmer 12/21/1872 Umatilla Weekly Corvallis Gazette 12/21/1872 Heavy Washington Standard 12/21/1872 Union The Mountain Sentinel 12/21/1872 IV - V Weston Oregonian 12/30/1872 Severe (Head of) Willow Creek Willamette Farmer 12/28/1872 V Plate I, Willows. Willow Forks Willamette Farmer 1/4/1873

COMPILATION OF FELT REPORTS: IDAHO Locality Primary Data Source Date Intensity Remarks Camas Prairie Idaho Signal 12/21/1872 Felt "Felt ... more particu- larly than elsewhere" Elk City Idaho Signal 12/21/1872 Felt "Felt very plainly" Mumford, M.B. 12/15/1872 IV Lapwai Idaho Signal 12/21/1872 IV Lewiston Idaho Signal 12/21/1872 V Walla Walla Union 12/28/1872 Paradise Valley Idaho Signal 12/21/1872 IV+ Reed's Ferry Idaho Signal 12/21/1872 Felt

COMPILATION OF FELT REPORTS: MONTANA Locality Primary Data Source Date Intensity Remarks Bozeman Weekly Montanian 12/19/1872 No local report. Deer Lodge The New Northwest 12/21/1872 II - III Helena Weekly Montanian 12/19/1872 Felt Missoula Oregonian 1/7/1873 III+ Philipsburg The New Northwest 12/21/1872 Felt distinctly Virginia City Weekly Montanian 12/19/1872

COMPILATION OF FELT REPORTS: ALBERTA Locality Primary Data Source Date Intensity Remarks Edmonton Journal of Daily Occur- Dec.-Jan. No report in Journal of rences Daily Occurrences at Fort Edmonton, Alberta Hudsons Bay Company Henry House Rylatt R. M. I - III Archives