The 1872 North Cascades Earthquake


Henry House


Edmonton, Alberta

Data Source	Date			Code	Remarks

*Journal of Daily December 1872 holding of the Hudson Occurrences January 1873 Bay Company Archives; kept at Fort Daily entries through Edmonton, Alberta January investigated; no mention of earth- quake A. Period Account: Primary source for evaluation of intensity or felt report. B. Period Account: Insufficient data to evaluate intensity. C. Period Account: Item appearing as dispatch, summary or brief des- cription or duplicate data with more complete data available in other sources. D. Later descriptive account identified with period sources. E. Later descriptive account not confirmed in period documentary sources. *Designates duplicate data not included in compilation.


Henry House, Alberta

Data Source	Date			Code	Remarks

R.M. Rylatt diary Entry of A December 15, 1872 A. Period Account: Primary source for evaluation of intensity or felt report. B. Period Account: Insufficient data to evaluate intensity. C. Period Account: Item appearing as dispatch, summary or brief des- cription or duplicate data with more complete data available in other sources. D. Later descriptive account identified with period sources. E. Later descriptive account not confirmed in period documentary sources. *Designates duplicate data not included in compilation.


R.M. Rylatt "Leaves from my diary"
two years with the Canadian Pacific
Railroad Survey, Rocky Mountain
Division" Typescript, Provincial
Archives 258 pp.; July 25, 1871-1873.

Sunday, December 15, 1872, p. 147 (WGE):
"Last night while we three sat smoking in the cabin, quite a severe shock of earth- quake was felt. The oscillation made us quite dizzy and at first each man looked at the other, thinking a feeling of dizzy- ness had come over himself, but a low mumbling sound, not very distinct, nor very near apparently, and the sight of the several pairs of new boots hanging from the walls overhead, and gently swinging to and fro convinced us of the fact. The shock was quite long, probably more than two minutes and was from East to West. Half an hour another shock was felt, but not so heavy, and accompanied by little or no rumbling. I fancy it gave us all a scare..."

(This was written while he was on a survey from Fort Edmonton and his locality at the time is given as the Henry House. The coordinates for Henry House are given in text as 53 degrees 19" latitude and 113 degrees 48'-10" longitude. The location of the Henry House according to the map of J. Aimesworth which has been reprinted by the Surveys and Map-' Branch, Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, MCR2304-indicates that the correct latitude or the correct location of Henry House is 118 degrees 6'. In the typescript, the longitude in degrees is 113 degrees and 113 is written in pencil there but that appears to be an erroneous entry by some later proof- reader or someone who put that in there because the correct locality that Rylatt probably wanted to write down there was probably 117 degrees 48' 10". Henry House is located about 10 miles due north of Jasper The Henry House is an old trading post of the Great Northwestern Trading Company located in the vicinity of Athabasca and Leatherhead Passes, WGE).