Washington Public Power Supply System, "WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2,
Final Safety Analysis Report, Volume 1, Amendment 18"
p. 2.5-120)
September 1981
Final Safety Analysis Report, Volume 1, Amendment 18"
p. 2.5-123)
September 1981
(RSL comment: this material is extracted from the "WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 2, Final Safety Analysis Report, Volume 1, Amendm
ent 18"
September 1981, Washington Public Power Supply System
p. 2.5-123)
The only other earthquake larger than intensity (MM) V
within 80 km of the site was the March 5, 1893 shock that
occurred near Umatilla, Oregon, about 62 km south of the
site. Townley and Allen (1939) reported the earthquake as
1893 March 6 (sic) umatilla. A succession of shocks
were felt here to-night. One of the walls of a large
stone building was thrown down by the force of the
shock (VII? VIII?) .
A VII? to VIII? Rossi-Forel (RF) intensity would correspond
to a (MM) VII? intensity.
The East Oregonian, (1893), Pendleton, newspaper of Monday,
March 6, 1893, had the following headline and article:
Earthquake at Umatilla - the little city in the sand
badly shaken up.
Umatilla, Oregon March 6 - At three minutes past 5
O'clock yesterday afternoon an earthquake shock lasting
several seconds passed over this section of the
country. One side of a large stone warehouse tumbled
down, and the building was so badly cracked on all
sides that it will have to be torn down. D. Harris,
agent for the Union Pacific, who was possessing the
building at the time, barely escaped being buried in
the debris.
This appears to have been an earthquake of very limited
extent, because no felt reports from Pendleton itself nor
any towns in the surrounding area were found in the search
of newpapers in Pendleton and Milton-Freewater, Oregon, and
Yakima, Walla Walla, and Spokane, Washington.
The largest circular area about Umatilla that excludes
Pendleton and Yakima has an area of 7,800 km2. The
intensity-felt-area plot, Figure 2.5-53, is based on data
from Table 2.5-6 and shows that a 7,800 km2 area is
compatible with an intensity (MM) V-VI but is an order of
magnitude less than the felt areas associated with intensity
(MM) VII earthquakes. Consequently, the intensity rating of
this earthquake has been reduced to (MM) VI in Table 2.5-5.