Coombs, H.A., W.G. Milne, O.W. Nuttli, and D.B. Slemmons, "Report of the Review Panel on the December 14, 1872 earthquake",
Appendix B: Selected Supporting Information
December 1976.

Coombs, H.A., W.G. Milne, O.W. Nuttli, and D.B. Slemmons December 1976. Appendix B: Reports related to the December 14, 1872 earthquake, page 164a
San Juan, WT
"Record for the Month of July 1869;" Post Surgeon; Camp San Juan; San Juan, Washington; National Archives; Washington, D.C.

               RECORD FOR THE MONTH OF JULY 1869

Thirteen cases total under treatment during the month. Thirteen returned to duty. Two remaining under treatment. The mean temperature of the month was 65.80.
Hygrometer 61.94
Amount of rain 00.0 in

On 18th at 4:55 a severe shock of earthquake

Post Surgeon's Journals, Camp San Juan

San Juan, WT
"Record for the Month of June 1869;" Post Surgeon; Camp San Juan; San Juan, Washington; National Archives; Washington, D.C.

               RECORD FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 1869

Twenty-four cases were under treatment during the month. Twenty returned to duty. Four remaining under treatment.
The mean temperature of the month was 63.74
Hygrometer 60.48
Amount of rainfall 00.

On 27th at 7:50 a slight shock of earthquake

Post Surgeon's Journals, Camp San Juan