1793-1929 Historic Seismicity Catalog and Macroseismic Accounts for Cascadia, 1793-1929: A Database in Microsoft ACCESS format.
Selected quakes coming soon in web format!!
The 1872 North Cascades earthquake: estimated magnitude 7.4
1929-1969 Earthquake information and Isoseismal Maps from United States Earthquakes, U.S. Department of Commerce, Coast and Geodetic Survey
NGDC Earthquake Intensity Database U.S. Intensity Data - 2,500 earthquakes reported from 1638-1928 and more than 18,500 events from 1928-1985.
1970-May 2002 PNSN Catalog of Earthquakes Magnitude 4.0 or larger. Accurate locations and magnitudes became possible after the
installation of the PNSN in 1969.