Moment tensor from Oregon State University This is an up-date for the 970623_1913 Bremerton, WA event. The shallow depth is well constrained. jb. Location provided by PNSN Stations used: PNT(Z), LTY, LON, PIN, RAI, COR, RWW, GNW, OZB, CBB, PGC(Z), PMB | OSU MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION | | Event: Bremerton, WA | Date/Time: 97/ 6/23 19:13:27 | Lat./Lon.: 47.599 -122.574 | mb/Ms: 4.9 0.0 | | Depth (km): 4.0 Stations Used: 12 | Moment Tensor: Scale = 10**22 dyn cm | Component Value Component Value | Mxx -5.518 Myy 0.329 | Mxy -0.661 Myz -0.367 | Mxz -4.385 Mzz 5.188 | Source Composition: | (Type/%) DC/ 89 CLVD/ 11 Iso/ 0 | Principal Axes: | Axis Value Plunge Azimuth | T 6.758 70 183 | N 0.401 1 276 | P -7.159 20 6 | Best Fitting Double-Couple: | Mo = 6.96E+22 dyn cm Mw = 4.53 | Plane Strike Rake Dip | NP1 275 89 65 | NP2 98 92 25 | | | ------- | ---------- ------ | ------------- P --------- | --------------- ----------- | --------------------------------- | ----------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | ----------############----------------- | ----###########################---------- | ###################################------ | -######################################-- | -################## ################### | --################# T ##################- | --################ #################- | ----#################################-- | -----#############################--- | ------#########################---- | --------###################------ | -------------#####----------- | ------------------------- | ------------------- | ------- | | Lower Hemisphere Equal Area Projection