This is an up-date of the original Oregon State solution. The mechanism (thrust on N-S striking fault) and moment magnitude (5.2) remained essentially unchanged. We find a best centroid depth of 10km. Location: PNSN Stations: PNT, NEW, LTY, PIN, LON, DBO, COR, RAI, RWW, GNW, OZB, PGC, PHC, PMB | OSU MOMENT TENSOR SOLUTION | | Event: NE of Seattle, WA | Date/Time: 96/ 5/ 3 4: 4:23 | Lat./Lon.: 47.754 -121.881 | mb/Ms: 5.3 0.0 | | Depth (km): 10.0 Stations Used: 14 | Moment Tensor: Scale = 10**23 dyn cm | Component Value Component Value | Mxx 0.323 Myy -7.498 | Mxy -0.134 Myz -1.564 | Mxz -1.215 Mzz 7.175 | Source Composition: | (Type/%) DC/ 97 CLVD/ 3 Iso/ 0 | Principal Axes: | Axis Value Plunge Azimuth | T 7.538 79 212 | N 0.134 9 357 | P -7.671 6 88 | Best Fitting Double-Couple: | Mo = 7.60E+23 dyn cm Mw = 5.22 | Plane Strike Rake Dip | NP1 350 78 52 | NP2 188 104 40 | | | ######- | --------#---------- | ---------#####----------- | ---------########------------ | ----------###########------------ | ---------##############------------ | ---------################------------ | ----------################------------- | ---------##################------------ | ---------####################------------ | ---------####################--------- | ---------######### ########--------- P | ---------######### T #########-------- | ---------######### #########----------- | --------#####################---------- | --------####################----------- | --------###################---------- | -------###################--------- | -------#################--------- | ------################------- | ------#############------ | ----###########---- | ####### | | Lower Hemisphere Equal Area Projection