Washington Public Power Supply System, Preliminary Safety Analysis Report,
WPPSS Nuclear Project No. 1, 1300 MW Nuclear Power Plant, Vol. 2A.
Table 2R-E14A

               TABLE 2R E-14a

                  LISTING A

              DECEMBER 14, 1872

Baudre, Peverend F. M., O.M.I., "Letter to D'Herbormez
     dated December 28, 1872 from Okanagan Valley", Manu-
     script in possession of Archives Deschatelets, Ottawa,

     "OKANAGAN VALLEY, 28XBRE, 1872*

     "The earthquake which we have experienced has a great effect  on  our
savages who believed that the last hour of the world had arrived.  I
know some who passed the night in prayer.  At the moment of the earthquake,
some of the -Indians were engaged in their extravagant dances.  As the
others, they were so frightened by the dance of the earth that they
knelt down praying, shouting and crying.  They asked me a thousand
questions about the earthquake:  what it was;  would it return.

     "In the vicinity of Osoyoos Lake the shock was stronger;  rocks
were detached from the mountains.  A man was thrown to the ground;  two
horses were killed, and I do not know exactly where but  near  Similkameen
the earth opened and a stinky smoke came out of that crevasse.

     "As for us, we thought that our house was going to collapse.  We
got up to escape from that danger but we escaped with only our fear.

         "F. M. Baudre, 0. M. I. "

*(Weston   Geophysical   Research,   Inc.    Note:    Locality    probably
     corresponds to the "Mission de l'Immaculate Conception,
     Lake Okanagan;   the modern locality is Okanagan Mission,
     British Columbia.)

Baudre, Reverend F. tl., O.M.I., "Letter to D'Herbormez dated January 21, 1873 from Okanagan Mission", Manu- script in possession of Archives Deschitelets, Ottawa, Canada. "Okanagan mission, January 21, 1873 "The savages of Similkameen are in the greatest consternation. Numerous times during (these) weeks they experienced earthquakes. Two savages who had come from Similkameen reported to me that their brothers from Colville were announcing that the end of the world was not far off. "F. M. Baudre, 0. M. I. "
Baudre, Reverend F. M., O.M.I., "Letter to D'Herbormez dated March 7, 1873, from Okanagan Diission, "Manuscript in possession of Archives Deschatelets, Ottawa, Canada. "Okanagan mission, March 7, 1873 "Some weeks after the earthquake which happened near Christmas I received a visit from many savages from Similkameen; among them were two one of which was a chief named Shious (manuscript unclear). They were and are yet still very frightened from the first shock and many others that they have had since Christmas. "F. M. Baudre, 0. M. I."